To ensure the security of your domain, do the following:
- Put the correct information in the registrant of your domain. For example your name, email, phone number, address etc. Never misinterpret this information. Because this information means ownership of your domain.
- Lock the domain’s registrar from the domain’s management options. Only unlock the registrar when transferring the domain to another registrar company.
- Use the Whois protection service on the domain. Many registrar companies offer this service for free. Many registrar companies charge 1 to 9 per year for this service. If you use this service, the information provided in the domain’s registrant will be hidden from the public.
- Enter the password strongly when opening an account on the company portal from the company from which you will get the domain service, and keep the two-step verification system on from the portal’s security options. Ensure the security of the email that will open the account on the portal of the domain-hosting company.
Additional Security Tips: Use a computer or smartphone to deal with cracked and malware-laden software. It is better not to enter the control panel of the domain with that computer or smartphone. If not here’s a new product just for you! You will not even notice it.